As I expressed in this post, I am nervous to share this.

I am a private person and don't feel overly comfortable with telling all . . .

I began Precision Nutrition Coaching at an extremely low point in my life (more on that below). I came out of it with a new outlook, new habits, and new life-changing knowledge.

I'm happy with my results, although I will say that many people had much better results! In fact, I'm sure mine could have been better too, but I spent the first few months figuring out my thyroid issues, which I believe was more valuable to me than simply losing weight.

The PN program is about much more than losing weight. Much, much more.

You dive deep and find out how to have compassion for yourself as well as making and solidifying life-changing new habits, one step at a time. 

I didn't want to include my before and after images in the original post because I didn't want anyone who did not want to see them, to see them. If that makes sense. So, I created this separate page for those who actually wanted to see the changes (and are not afraid of seeing a bare, extremely white, belly).

So, without further ado, here you go:

These before and after pictures were taken in July 2013 and March 2014.


Here is he original post I wrote about PN Coaching:

In early 2013 I was depressed and frustrated.  My body felt out of my control. Weight kept piling on, even when I ate very little.  I was exhausted and at the end of my rope emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Through some random happenstance, I stumbled on to Precision Nutrition. I was intrigued by what I read, but worried they would have strange ideas and promote calorie counting and restrictive dieting (which I already knew was not for me!).  I researched them for hours and signed up for their free “Stop Dieting Kit for Women “

I was impressed with what they shared and found it was in line with what I believed to be true. The stop dieting kit was very helpful, but I wanted more.

Even when I did everything right, nothing seemed to change. What was going on with me? I didn’t know.

All I knew was this: I was desperate!

I wanted to feel better. And I needed help.

I started looking at the Precision Nutrition Coaching Program. It’s a 12-month program in which you have a dedicated coach to guide and support you and answer any questions.

The plan provides:

  • A dedicated (and very knowledgable) coach (see the coaches here. They are qualified experts).
  • Workout plans
  • Nutrition education
  • Encouragement
  • Help with emotional eating

 Instead of focusing on teaching information, PN coaching helps you build habits gradually over the course of the year. Focusing on one thing at a time. 

At first I thought there was no way I could afford it.

Then I started looking at the price of a personal trainer or nutritionist.

This was a much better deal that that!

I knew I couldn’t go on feeling the way I did, so I figured out a way to scrape the money together, and signed up.

It’s one the best things I’ve ever done.

Going through this program and coming out the other side, I can say in all honesty:  You can’t get this kind of attention or advice anywhere at this price. 

My coach was amazing.

In fact, she was able to help me discover my thyroid issue (and eventually Hashimoto’s). She answered numerous emails, got on video chats, and even called me on the phone.

She worked with me to figure out how to transition my family to gluten free after I discovered allergies and suggested modifications when some of the prescribed workouts weren’t possible for me.

My coach (and team mates) were there for me in the good times and bad. And I came put the other side better than I went in. Not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well.

This program address much more than weight loss. In fact, at times it was more mental work than physical.

It was life changing for me and I think it would be for anyone who embraces it.

Precision Nutrition only opens up their coaching program to new clients twice a year.  The next group registration starts on January 14, 2015.

Due to high demand, coaching spots are very limited.

Oh yeah, almost forgot! Precision Nutrition gives away$250, 000 to various winners at the end of the program. People who have had fantastic transformations and worked hard are all up for a prize.

Check out some of this year’s finalists here.

Seriously, I love this program so much I’m saving up to get certified as a coach.

If you need help (or just want to refine your healthy habits) you won’t regret PN Coaching. Get on the Precision Nutrition Coaching Pre-Sale list here so you don’t miss out. (Plus, pre-sale listers get access to our early enrollment on Tuesday, January 13th, 2016 and a lower price.)

Note: Getting on the pre-sale list does not obligate you in anyway. It just means you'll get the opportunity to sign up early and at a discounted rate, if you choose to. 

If you want to see their style of teaching and learn some great stuff, get the free “Stop Dieting Kit for Women “


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