Delighting in the Days is now A Delightful Home!
I feel like having a party! The job is done. Woo hoo!
I want to officially welcome you to the new (and hopefully improved) home of Delighting in the Days: A Delightful Home.
Thank you for sticking with me through this time of change. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it!
There will probably be hiccups along the way, but so far it seems that the posts have transferred over from Delighting in the Days and all old URLs are being redirected here. Yay!
There is still some updating to do. For instance, I spent so much time trying to figure out how to do the redirect (and actually broke the blog at one point) that I have not had time to update the about page! So just pretend it all makes sense for now. That would be great!
At some point I would like to work on the categories and sidebar too. This should all make everything easier for you to navigate.
My baby has started to sleep more, so I'm hoping that will transfer into a more consistent posting schedule here! That would be nice. I'm shooting for three days a week. Probably Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Then a links post on Saturday.
So, I'll be back tomorrow with some delightful links for the weekend.
Come back on Monday for all the juicy details about our big giveaway! I can't wait. It's such good stuff.
Don't forget to like our new facebook page so we can interact over there.
Thanks again for being a part of this little spot on the web.
Top image credit
I’m glad I saw you’re tweet- now I’m the 1st commenter on the new site (unless I take forever to type)!
I’m also glad you kept the lavender. I love seeing it when I visit.
Congratulations on the new focus & look!
Thanks Michelle. I nearly let the lavender go! I’m glad you like it. It makes me happy too.
Oh my!! Do I really get to be the second commenter? Yipee!! Your new site looks beautiful, can’t wait to see what else you do with the space. 🙂
Thanks Lynsey! It’s nice to see your smiley face here 🙂
woo hoo!! everything looks awesome! crisp, clean, simply delightful! 🙂
Thank you Stacey. That is exactly what I was going for 🙂 I appreciate the encouragement!
Everything looks great so far; congrats on the move!!
Than you Shawntele!