Benefits and Uses of Sea Salt
Raise your hand if you’ve ever made a New Years Resolution that you tried for a few days, then realized it was impossible to stick to? *raises hand*.
Personally, I’ve realized that when I take smaller steps towards something, I’m more likely to keep those small changes as a part of my lifestyle. If one of your goals is to be healthier or eat better, I’ve got just the tip to get you started!
One simple way to improve your diet is to switch table salt for sea salt. Not only will your food taste 10x better, you’ll reap extra health benefits too! Sea salt contains a variety of trace minerals not available in regular table salt. These trace minerals are nourishing and strengthening to the body and aren’t easily found anywhere else. Some of these minerals and elements may actually improve hydration as well.
so where do you get high quality sea salt?
High quality sea salt, such as NZ Sea Salt from Shop Pri, can actually be considered a whole food, where as regular table salt is processed so much it is devoid of nutritional value. Not all sea salt is created equal; and it is important to know where the salt you consume comes from and how it is produced. Some companies pasteurize polluted ocean water to create their version of “sea salt.” This pasteurization kills off many of the important benefits.
PRI’s NZ Sea Salt is harvested from the clean southern ocean surrounding New Zealand. These waters are evaporated in Solar Salt Fields using the natural process of sun and wind. Once a year the salt is carefully gathered while taking precautions to maintain the balance of minerals naturally present in the sea.
This salt is pure, healthy, and retains all the natural trace elements! It’s a salt that is actually good for you.
If you’re thinking “this isn’t exactly what I had in mind for changing my diet”, just remember that while switching to sea salt is a small change, it brings great benefits and tons of flavor!
10 awesome ways to use sea salt
1- Sprinkle a pinch of sea salt in a glass of water.
Drinking a small amount of sea salt in your water helps to aid digestion. Having a small amount of salt also helps you stay hydrated because your body needs sodium.2 – Include in Body Scrubs
Sea salt has been shown to reduce skin irritation and dryness. You can include sea salt in body scrubs as a large or small part of the recipe; for example, the scrub may be use salt as the primary exfoliant, but it can also be only 1 Tablespoon of the overall recipe and still provide benefits.
3 – Add to Bath Water
Adding sea salt to your bath water can help to reduce inflammation of the skin. It has a lovely softening effect and is also relaxing.
Sea works well added to bath water alone, but is also lovely mixed with herbs, like in this Lavender-Chamomile bath soak recipe.
If you wish to add essential oils to your bath soak, be sure to do so safely. Find instructions for using essential oils in the bath here.
4 – Add to Texturizing Hair Spray
Adding sea salt to your DIY hair spray keeps your hair hydrated and adds body to your hair. For that “just leaving the beach” look, spray onto your hair and scrunch while its damp.
5 – Include in Sore Throat Gargle
Make a sore throat gargle by dissolving 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon salt in an 8-ounce glass of warm water. My mother always used this home remedy when I started having a sore throat or cold sore as a child. I still use it today and it works like a charm.
6 – Create a nourishing nail soak
Mix 1 Tablespoon sea salt with 1-2 cups water to create a nourishing nail soak. The sea salt will help your skin retain natural moisture, and the sea salt can actually help shield your skin from harmful UVB rays.
7 – Include in homemade mouthwash
Adding sea salt to homemade mouthwash with help prevent gingivitis and add extra disinfectant qualities.
8 – Mix up your own DIY seasoned salt
I LOVE to make my own seasoned salt spices at home because sometimes you want slightly different flavors depending on what you’re cooking!
9 – Add to facial steams
Sea salt and steam is helpful for the skin but has been shown to help your breathing too
10 – Use in an Ant-Dandruff Scalp Massage
Gently massage into scalp before shampooing. This helps to remove dandruff, and it feels amazing! As I mentioned above, it also helps your skin retain natural moisture which is great for hydrating your scalp!
What’s your favorite way to use sea salt?