Delightful Links and Announcements!

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Hi all,

I've missed you!

Thanks for putting up with me and my very sporadic posting schedule of late. I've been taking some time to rest and recuperate, as well as try to figure out what my new normal is. That's not an easy thing.

I will be taking a little more time off from blogging, so the posting schedule will continue to be light for a while. I will be sharing a few posts from some special friends and also a couple of favorites from the archives.

Now, for an exciting announcement:

I have a chapter in an actual published book: Trust Your Intuition: 25 “Natural Medicine Confessions” from Influential Women
trust your ituition cover

This book brings together 25 women who have used natural remedies with their families. We all share a little about our personal journeys, provide tips for how you can implement natural healing in your home, and lots of encouragement.
It comes out July 17! Stay tuned for more details.


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Simple Ways to Connect with Your Kids When You're Already Tired – My post at Keeper of the Home this month was born out of my recent bout with illness and burn out. I shared a few ideas that work for me, plus others are leaving some great suggestions in the comment section.

I'd love to hear what ways you connect with your kids when you are already tired. Read the post and leave a comment here.

20,000 days

I read 20,000 days and counting by Robert D. Smith this week and found it to be excellent. It helped propel me a few steps forward on my journey to a more purposeful life.

On the 20,000th day of his life, Robert D. Smith spent the next 48 hours planning his next 20,000 days—and it has made a huge impact on how he lives. I think anyone focusing on their days with such clarity and purpose can live a powerfully different life than if they simply let life roll on by.

20,000 days and counting is a quick read, but an extremely thought-provoking one.

I think I highlighted half the book! So many pearls of wisdom in there.

One of my favorite ideas was his suggestion to celebrate the little things. I'm going to do that more often. Because, it's the little things that make a life.

Here's one favorite quote:

“One of the illusions [of life] is that the present hour is not the critical, decisive hour. Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. No man has learned anything rightly until he knows that every day is Doomsday.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Have a wonderful weekend!


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