Get Your Finances in Order With The Money Saving Mom’s Budget
I think we'd all agree that financial struggles make it difficult to have a peaceful home.
Worrying about money steals our joy.
How we manage our money makes a big difference to the lives of our family and the tone of our home.
Today I want to share a book with you that will help bring your finances under control:
by Crystal Paine.
The Money Saving Mom’s Budget begins with a bang; getting right down to business, the reader is able to dive right in. There's no fluff, just education and actionable advice. The very first chapter has you setting goals!
I love that this book isn't full of weird money-saving tips that are virtually impossible to implement (You know, like collecting tiny bits of fluff to stuff your pillow, or something like that!).
Crystal does share many practical suggestions, including:
- How to give yourself an instant raise without increasing your take home pay.
- How to prioritize your life, eliminate the unnecessary and live intentionally.
- How to live without a credit card.
- How to use coupons.
- How to saving money on groceries without couponing.
- How to go out of town without going broke.
The Money Saving Mom’s Budget has a down-to-earth tone that is kind, yet tough. Crystal is realistic about the hard work involved in getting out of debt and staying out. She doesn't pretend it is easy or will happen overnight.
Don't be fooled into thinking it's all drudgery, you'll be dreaming big as you learn how to break goals into step by step plans and put them into action.
I appreciate that this book takes into account all areas of life, encouraging readers to get control of chaos and clutter before making financial changes. This is where I see that Crystal is different. I don't think I've read that advice in any other money management book.
Who is this book for?
Anyone who feels out-of-control or overwhelmed. If you are are drowning in debt this book will show you how to climb out of the hole and beyond.
The Money Saving Mom’s Budget is also for those who are doing fairly well, but would like to improve their financial situation.
It is not a how-to manual for developing your investment portfolio.
Crystal ‘s fresh take on money management, coupled with the experience of being a wife and mom, having lived on very little income, and now running a successful business, makes her perspective unique and one I truly respect.
This is going to sound over the top, but I'm saying it anyway:
Following the advice in this book will change your life, not just your finances.
The Money Saving Mom’s Budget straightforward advice will put any who heed it on the right track.
If you have the desire to get your finances (and life) in order this year, I highly recommend you read this book.
If you are not familiar with Crystal Paine, I hope you will remedy that situation soon.
The Money Saving Mom’s Budget will be released on January 10 and is available for pre-order on A preview for the book, including the Table of Contents is also available on Amazon.
I would love to win a copy of this book. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would love to win a copy of this book. It sounds like it has so many practical tips!
This book would help my family so much.Would love a copy.
This book looks like what I need to help keep my family running smoothly.