Becoming a Better Mother: Remain Steadfast!

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This post could also be titled: keep your focus!

Steadfast can be defined as:

1. Fixed or unchanging; steady.

2. Firmly loyal or constant; unswerving


When it comes to our kids and the goal of heaven, this is what we want to be like.

As a mother, the road can seem long. Sometimes endless.

The days can be extremely difficult, both physically and mentally.

Kids don’t change as quickly as we want them to. We wonder if our efforts are making any difference at all.

It's easy to lose focus and invest ourselves in the urgent or the desirable instead of the necessary and important. No one cheers when we clean the bathroom, and no one knows if we missed our Bible reading or prayer time. We often have to keep ourselves accountable, and it’s easy to let ourselves slip.

I am hopelessly distractible. I really am. Even if I step away from my outside commitments, I'm easily intrigued by online discussion or books or making over my closet.  And if it’s not that, there’s always a pie crust recipe I’d like to make (right now) when I really need to help my daughter with math.

I’m a work in progress. And by work, I mean there is a lot of work that needs to be done on this mama.

Of course there is nothing wrong with online discussions, books, closet makeovers or pie crusts. It’s the time and place we choose to do pursue them that can be a problem. (And don't get me wrong, Moms need time to themselves as well. We'll cover that another day.)

There are so many bright and shiny things to distract us. Each and every day we choose what we will do with our time and energy. Honestly, there are an abundance of things that can throw us off track. Things that look good. Things we like. Things we want. Things that promise success.

Many of these things may be right for us at one time or another, but now, right now when our young ones are home, longing for our love and instruction, some of these have to wait.

I’m not being specific, because the things that distract are unique to each person. It may be something outside your home, or maybe it is the computer, sucking hours out of your day. Whatever it is, only you can identify it.

Sometimes it’s good to take a step back and look at our days. What are we really doing?

I did this recently and had to make some changes.

We only go through this life once, and we don’t want to regret choosing that which looked nice over that which is truly beneficial.

Two posts I read last week reignited my desire to be a steadfast mom. They encouraged me greatly, I hope the encourage you too:

10 Minutes Every Hour @ Like a Warm Cup of Coffee

Why Mothers Need to Pick Their Priorities @ Passionate Homemaking

Stay strong mamas. You are doing a noble task.

Making a grand difference in this world. Shaping hearts for eternity.

You can do this!

“…for all things are possible with God.”

-Mark 10:27

I'm linking up to:

And also Women Living Well

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  1. As I type this, I have been on the computer for 3 hours. Yes 3! I looked up and it is lunch time. I did spend my morning discovering new Christian blogs, however, what has my little one been up to? Really, I have been checking on him often, bringing snacks, drinks, changing diapers, etc. I am so good at managing my time, or I used to be. I have two little ones, an online store that I am supposed to be spending time on every day, and a house that desparately needs someone to clean it. I think I need to make a schedule and stick to it.

    Following from Women Living Well

    1. Kerry,

      Thanks for sharing that. I know many of us have done the same thing. It’s amazing how fast times go by when I’m on the computer. I have been trying to limit it more and more recently. I’m finding the less I’m on it, the less I want to be on it.

      It’s tough though, there is so much good stuff to read online!

      I pray you find a groove that works well for you and your family 🙂