Delightful Links for the Weekend {4/21}
Some favorite reads for you to peruse:
Pictured above is my ever growing stash of crates. I've been buying them every week at Michael's using a 40% off coupon. As I mentioned in my post about the dangers of formaldehyde, they will turn into a big crate bookcase for my daughter's room and also one for mine and hubby's room. I'm thinking something like this one.
Get a FREE How to Prepare Various Tinctures downloadable video at the Bulk Herb Store when use code at checkout APRTMV
Rock Crafts @ WhiMYsy Love. I especially like the garden markers (scroll to the bottom to see those).
How to Live a Life that Matters by Sarah Mae posting at Women Living Well – My favorite line:
“Your children are at your mercy with their hours and their days and their mornings and their nights. You are the god of their time. Are you digging your fingers into the clay that is the moments and molding something worth keeping?”
Oh yes. A great reminder and kick in the rear.
Inspiration for Eating Seasonally this Spring @ Simple Homemade