31 Days of Peace and Joy at Home
I can't help myself! I've been making notes and thinking about this series so much, I am just going to have to write it.
What does this mean for you?
It means 31 days of posts about having peace and joy at home. Some will be practical suggestions and activities you can actually do with your family, others will be a little more thought provoking, giving you something to chew on.
This is as much for me as it is for you. I want a home that brings peace to those who live in it as well as those who visit. I also want it to be a fun and happy place where love abounds: A Delightful Home.
Most mamas I know want the same thing.
So let's get to it!
(First post coming later today.)
There are over 700 others writing 31 day series. You can find them all at The Nesting Place.
I’m glad you’re doing it…great topic! I look forward to reading your posts…:)
Thanks Krissa. I’m excited 🙂