Are cloth diapers too much trouble? (and a Giveaway)

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I'll let you in on a little secret: I did not use cloth diapers with my babies.

But, I wish I had.

I thought it would be too hard and I didn't actually look into it very much. I had fairly difficult births and felt very overwhelmed during the baby years, so cloth diapering wasn't something I really considered trying.

Do you think (or have you even tried cloth diapers and found that) cloth diapers are too smelly, too leaky, too much work, and will give your baby a rash?

That was me.

Recently I looked through Erin Odom's new eBook, Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Convert, and realized that some of my hang ups were actually false. Maybe yours are too?

I found that:

  • Cloth diapers really can save you money
  • Cloth diapers work better than disposables (much of the time)
  • Cloth diapering isn't quite as disgusting as it sounds

If you are on the fence about cloth diapering, or even just toying around with the idea, I recommend you read Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Convert. Erin has done all the work for you, no hunting around the internet or checking out tons of books from the library. It's all there.

The book is very thorough. It's over 200 pages long!

Erin is not only a mom who uses cloth diapers, but has also worked in a cloth diapering store and as she says herself, she has made just about every mistake in the book. Which is why she is pretty much an expert when it comes to this topic.

If you have a question about cloth diapering, it's likely answered in Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Convert.

The great thing about Erin is that she is very down-to-earth and realistic. You're not getting any holier-than-thou stuff here. Just real, honest, information and advice.

Erin covers everything you need to know, including:

  • pro and cons of using different types of cloth diapers
  • cost comparison of cloth diapers and disposables
  • advice for using and washing cloth diapers
  • how to build a cloth diaper stash
  • how to cloth diaper and infant, baby, and toddler
  • potty training with cloth
  • how to overcome challenges such as: leaks, rashes, fit, smell, night time diapering, and more


Erin's first cloth diapered baby turns 5 today (Wednesday, June 12,) so she is making the book only $5 in honor of her 5th birthday!

Use code 5BDAY to get the sale price!

This ebook is usually $9.95, so this is a great deal.

Click here to buy your copy.

Enter to win a copy of Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Convert.

If you buy and then win, I'll send you the $5 you spent on the book and you'll get an extra copy to give to a friend.

Use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter. If you are reading via email, click through to get to the widget to enter.


Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Convert comes as a PDF. Giveaway closes at midnight on Friday, June 14, 2013.

Also note, the cloth diaper eBook is part of the Natural Living eBook Bundle that is available this week only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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