Delightful Links for the Weekend {1/21/12}
Some links I enjoyed this week:
Making energy balls – No wonder my laptop is full of crumbs!
Granola Energy Balls @ The Marathon Mom
I made the recipe as is, and they were delicious. My kids were bouncing off the walls pretending to have an instant energy infusion.
I also made a special batch for my husband with almond butter (instead of peanut butter) and dark chocolate chips. Yum! He now has a new favorite treat!
Another winner this week was homemade Ranch dressing from Heavenly Homemakers.
Make a jar full of of the dried ingredients and whip up some dressing when needed. Very tasty.
{Mothering Encouragement}
Don't Carpe Diem by Glennon Melton
It won't always be like this @ Smockity Frocks
{Fun stuff}
He Said, She Said – Green Goals for the New Year – I enjoyed seeing the different perspectives in this post.
God Cares About Stretch Marks @ Simply Rebekah – A fun post from Rebekah about how she prayed for belly butter not long before I delivered some to her at the Relevant conference. There's also a rare picture of me.
By the way, Rebekah is seriously sweet. I really enjoyed meeting her.
Day in the Life Link up @ Simply Rebekah – If you are a blogger, you might enjoy getting involved in this day in the life link up. The basic idea is to take a picture of what you are doing every hour for one day and create a post about it.
Rebekah will be hosting a link up for all the posts on February 6th. I had fun taking my pictures this past week. Get all the details in this post.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend.