Delightful Links for the Weekend {3/3}
It's been a busy week at my house. I've enjoy spending time with my sister and her family.
My niece is so darling and it was fun to be aunty Stacy in the flesh rather than from afar. Oh, I'm going to miss them.
I didn't read a lot online this week, due to having too much fun hanging out with my family.
Here are a few reads that I saved from last week and also the links to all the birthday giveaway posts. You still have time to enter!
Prayer Vase @ Happy Andersons
Make Your Own Medicinal Salve – Video Tutorial @ Frugally Sustainable
45 Real Food Snacks for Kids @ Keeper of the Home
There's still time to enter the birthday giveaways. Most of them end at 9pm PST tonight, except for the essential oil giveaway, which ends on Tuesday.
This week's birthday giveaways:
When Motherhood Feels Too Hard eBook
Plan It, Don't Panic, Meal Planning eBook
$35 Gift Certificate to DaySpring
Tropical Traditions Laundry Detergent
Young Living Lemon Essential Oil
I hope you all had a happy week!