Healthy Body = Happier Home

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I’ve been procrastinating this post, so I’m setting a timer for 30 minutes and getting on with it!

We each have a body (“duh!” you say).  Our bodies need a few basic things in order to function well: good food, exercise, and rest. Fresh air and effectively dealing with stress are also important factors.

It is easy to feel out of control with our health when life is just plain busy.  But it is important to remember that no one can make us healthy.  It is our job. We put the food in our mouth, we choose to exercise or not.  We sometimes choose our bedtime 🙂 (Depending on the age of our kiddies.)

When our body is unhealthy we often feel sluggish and unmotivated.  Simple daily tasks are more difficult.  Life in general is not as enjoyable as it could be. All of this affects the tone of our home.

Now don’t get me wrong here.  I’m speaking about general health.  Some deal with painful, chronic conditions, and I know that is very hard.  We will discuss this situation in another post.

Moms often put their needs last. But some needs should move up the ladder a little bit.  If you are not taking care of your health, you are not able to care for your family as efficiently or effectively as possible.

So what’s a mother to do?

Make time for exercise.

30 minutes a day will help you feel better and give you more energy.  Exercise doesn’t have to be confined to a gym.  If it is difficult for you to get away, pump up some music and dance around the living room with the kids.  I can assure you, they will think it is hilarious.

Eat as well as you can.

Focus on eating real food.  Stay away from packaged and processed stuff whenever possible.  Remember, you are not a human garbage disposal! If you have few options, at least eat only when you are hungry and stop when you are full.  This really makes a difference to energy levels (and is wonderful for weight management too).

Make rest a priority.

I am often guilty of staying up late because the house is quiet and I can think!  It is good to have this time, but it is very easy to let it stretch out until the wee hours of the morning.  And then the kids end up with a tired mommy the next day (at least mine do).  I am currently working on this one.  Trying to stay up and have a little quiet time, but still go to bed a decent hour.  One way of helping with this is to make sure the kids go to bed at a decent hour too.

We will be discussing each of these areas in more detail over the next few weeks. Most of us struggle with them at some time or another.

It takes intentional effort to be healthy. I want to encourage you to step out and make some healthy changes.  Doing so will make your home a happier place.  If Mom is happy, the home is happy (for the most part).

This post is part of the Mom's 30 Minute Blog Challenge at Steady Mom.

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  1. I totally relate to everything in your post (cutting my “me time” short in the evenings so I can get to bed at a decent hour is my weakness too).

    The other day I found myself finishing off the last of the birthday cake while standing in front of the kitchen sink. I thought, “I wouldn’t let my kids eat this for breakfast, so why is it okay for me to eat it??” I need to start mothering myself as conscientiously as I mother my children. It would not only benefit me, but my children as well.

    1. “…mothering myself as conscientiously as I mother my children” – I love that! It really would make the world of difference, wouldn’t it?

      And yes it would really be beneficial to the children as well as to us. They learn so much from watching what we do.

      Sometimes being disciplined is just plain tough! But the benefits are certainly worth the effort.

      That said, I think it’s OK to have cake for breakfast every once in a while 🙂