A Health Update: Hypothyroid, Gluten Sensitivity, Leaky Gut and more!
(A picture from one of my walks – getting out in nature helps a lot!)
This year my health seemed to implode.
Everything started to fall apart.
I thought a little rest, exercise, and good food would fix it.
But I continued to feel run down and wasn't able to make a lot of progress.
So, I went to see a naturopath.
She ran a number of tests and this is what we found:
- hypothyroid
- gluten sensitivity
- mal-absorption of vitamins (indicating leaky gut)
- low white blood cell count
- elevated estrogen levels
- low iron
Now wonder I hadn't been feeling well!
What I'm doing about it:
I'm working with my naturopath to treat this naturally via diet (she has recommended the GAPS diet) and supplementation.
We agreed to try natural methods for at least three months before taking another blood test to see if there has been any change (especially in the thyroid). There is a time and place for medication in regard to the thyroid and I will take it if necessary, but I want to try other options first.
I've never been one to take many supplements, so this new for me. And I'm taking a lot of them!
I've noticed that exercise and sleep play a massive role in how I feel. Massive. So, I'm aiming to keep those a priority.
The good:
Now I have a plan. I know what I need to address and am taking steps to correct these issues.
I have a little comfort in knowing that a few of the issues are part of my genetics and not all my fault! Since I like to blame myself for everything! (Which I still do to some degree, but I don't think I created my own gluten sensitivity, and possibly not a hypothyroid situation either).
The bad:
It is a slow process! It's possible I would feel a lot better in a shorter amount of time if I would just take medication. But, I couldn't resign myself to taking a synthetic thyroid for the rest of my life without trying other options first. I know that many do without much trouble at all, but a girl can try, right?
It's expensive!
I honestly feel that I need a part-time job to pay for the appointments, tests, supplements, and food!
Why am I telling you?
Many of you have expressed interest in my story and reached out to me since I got sick earlier this year. I wanted to let you know what was happening.
I hope to have encouraging updates about my progress! Or at least educational posts on what is working and what isn't. I know that many of you are dealing with similar issues.
How I'm feeling:
Some better and some not.
When I am able to stick with GAPS, exercise, and sleep well, I feel pretty good. When my diet or exercise slides, I feel dreadful.
Lately I have been feeling nauseous, and am trying to pin point what is causing that.
I definitely feel better with out the gluten. So, even though I grieve the loss of those easy meals, and favorite foods, it's worth it!
Do you deal with any of the above? What helps you deal with it?
This is good information. I believe the iron added to your diet is what causes the nausea or very well could be the other supplements. I tried the paleo afew months ago and it made me feel much better. Unfortunately, I could stick with it because I love legumes Amongst other things.
Thanks for the info. I will have to see a naturopath dr. Also
Thanks for sharing. I have been dealing with many of the same issues in recent months and working with a naturopath to heal them. While it isn’t great for you – it makes me feel better to hear that others experience the same thing I am – some days better/some days not, changing symptoms, etc. I’m interested in anything you learn that you can share!
This is the first post I’ve read on your blog, after clicking a link from keepersofthehome.org
I know you probably don’t want unsolicited advice, but I just wanted to tell you about something that I tried. It’s called the Whole30 (website: whole9life.com) by a couple called Mellissa and Dallas Hartwig. It really is worth giving it a shot. They have a book called “It starts with food”, but all the information is on their website, so you don’t have to purchase it if you don’t want to.
I have gluten sensitivity, and becoming a down-right narky dragon when I eat anything with gluten in it. And from doing this 30 day challenge, I found I can’t have milk (but cheese is okay.. haven’t worked that one out yet. weird!). Anyway..
Hope your feeling better soon!!!
Thanks for your comment, Salina. I appreciate you encouraging me.
Thanks for sharing the about the Whole 30. I did try it once, but was terrible about the reintroduction phase, which is one of the more important parts! It’s great you found about the dairy (not great you can’t have it, but great that you know of your sensitivity).
I should do it again and do it properly 🙂
Thanks again!
Thanks for sharing. I’m going through similar struggles right now & have been feeling horribly down about everything. I pray that you are able to work your way through all of this and myself too!
Since your 2013 post, how has your healing of your leaky gut progressed?
I would love to hear an update on your health situation! A 2011 “Leaky gut” diagnosis and now persistent low WBC count for the last 6 years have me frazzled. I’ve taken more supplements and done more diet regimes than I can count…and Do feel better, but still can’t improve my low WBC’s . Are yours improving?