Beauty and the Beast Within {A Giveaway}
If you’re anything like most women, you’ve battled with your body image.
In today’s society is it easy to place a lot of emphasis on our outward appearance. We've even come to find that we gain our self-worth from how we feel when we look in the mirror, or sadly, when we look at a magazine or t.v show.
Even though our mind knows beauty is more than skin deep, the battle rages on.
I’ve certainly struggled with this over the years. Ballet class took a toll on me and has had long lasting effects on the way I felt about myself.
At Relevant this past September, I met Denise Groves. When she told me about her book, Beauty and the Beast Within, I was thrilled to see someone sharing information about true beauty and striving to heal the scars of self-loathing and struggle so many deal with.
Her goal is to help women uncover the truth about beauty, weight loss, and tame the beast within (all in 21 Days!).
Beauty and the Beast Within is part devotional, part action-plan.
Following along is simple: read one page a day and do what she says!
Denise writes as a friend who has walked the path and come out on the other side.
Beauty and the Beast Within is a straightforward, easy read (I always appreciate that). There is no complicated workout program or eating plan (although there are tips on losing weight and getting healthy), but you will find the request to look clearly at the beliefs you hold about what beauty really means and how it applies to you.
Not always a comfortable thing to do, but those life-changing things rarely are.
Denise includes lots of scripture and plenty of suggestions to get you on the right track, mentally, spiritually, and physically.
If you want to get your head right (and your body, too) I suggest you read Beauty and the Beast Within.
The Giveaway
Denise is giving away one copy of Beauty and the Beast Within to one of you!
To Enter: Leave a comment below.
Extra Entries:
Leave a separate comment for each one.Read the table of Contents (scroll down) and tell me what chapter most interests you.
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Subscribe to the Beauty and the Beast Within blogGiveaway closes at 8pm PST on Thursday, February 16.
Good luck!
I could really use this. Sounds amazing!
This book sounds like an incredibly valuable resource – great giveaway!
All of the chapters sound interesting, but I’m particularly curious about “Day 17 ‘Are You Truly Joyful?’.”
Sounds like a great book…I’m interested in Day 6-Move More.
I like A Delightful Home on FB.
I would love this….sounds like just what I need!
This sounds like an amazing book. I know that I’ve personally struggled with not only the pressure I put on myself but also the pressure I feel from my family and friends. It’s nice to have something to go for encouragment and inspiration.
I looked through the chapters and two stood out to me the most:
Day 3 – Slow Down
Day 12 – Old Habits Die Hard
I subscribed!
I could really use this now. I’ve been struggling….
I scrolled through the Table of Contents too…the chapter ” I ate WHAT?” sounds pretty applicable!
I could really use this!
I’m interested in reading “who do you think is beautiful?”
I like “A Delightful Home” on FB
Oh this sounds so wonderful. I have 2 teenage daughters and it keeps me busy keeping God’s word and his idea for them as young women, strong when this world bombards them with lies. Good information and godly information is invaluable!
The chapter are you joyful looks really good.
This Is something I’ve struggled with for a long time. My mom as well I would share it with her too.
God has been challenging me on my perception of beauty lately. This seems to fit right into the things he is telling me.
There are several chapters that sound interesting. I’d probably pick the one about bondage or the on about lies.
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as someone who has constantly struggled with body image for the last 20 years, this looks awesome! I’m clicking over to check this out!
The slow and steady and if you get down, get back up again chapters both look intriguing.
i “liked” your fb page
i subscribed to the beauty and the beast within blog.
Are you truly Joyful looks like a wonderful chapter! Looks like a great book.
I like A Delightful Home on Facebook!
I would like this! Sounds like a good read.
I also liked A Delightful Home on Facebook!
I’ve been struggling with body images since my son was born 20 months ago. Nothing changes how you feel about yourself than extra baby weight still hanging around.
The chapter “I Want My Cake and Want To Eat It Too (all of of it!)” sounds interesting.
I never win anything 🙁 Would love this !
I have always struggled in this area. Maybe I could get a fresh perspective by reading this
The chapter on Joy is one I need to read right now!
slow & steady – that’s what I need help being….
I have never really had self-esteem issues but I have always struggled with my weight. I have never really been that big but I have always been overweight for my height. And like you it started when I took ballet in the 4th grade I was the shortest and the heaviest in the class. Then I started to run track once I got in middle school but I never lost the weight. I was a fast speed runner and I can remember whenever the team got in trouble as a whole my coach would tell me to do crunches instead of pushups like everyone else. To this day I have issues with my body and my husband hates to hear me say it and tells me all the time that Im crazy for thinking that way. Maybe it is just a mind thing because of the media… I dont know!
Day 9: I Want My Cake and I Want to Eat It Too (All of it) sounds like the story of my life!!! lol
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The chapter on the beautiful woman’s version of 1Cor 13!
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