Becoming a Better Mother: the expression I wear

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By SugarBean

The furrowed brow.

It's a look I have worn far too often.

I can make a really good bad face! You know, the mommy look. But worse.

Once I felt a horrible expression was upon me, so for fun (or because I'm weird), I held it and went to the mirror to take a peek.

It was terrible! Much worse that I imagined it to be. Certainly not something I wanted my kids to remember about me.

Why would I have such a bad look on my face? I like to blame it on the fact that I'm a thinker (the wheels are always turning). But it's more than that. Too often I worry, fret, and stress out over life. This is not the way to be my friends. The Bible tells us not to do that.

But wait. There's more.

Proverbs 15:13 says,
A happy heart makes the face cheerful,
but heartache crushes the spirit.

Yes, everything always comes back to the heart, doesn't it?

So, we work on our hearts. Filling them up with good things. Pouring God's word into them daily. Setting our hearts to think on and value good things: like our dear family. Making sure that Christ is the Lord of our heart.

Then we go to work on our outsides too. Sometimes it is necessary to act better than we feel. Actually, not sometimes, many times!

Hopefully our outsides can influence our insides. Or at least bridge the gaps while our hearts catch up.

Image by Jesse Therrien

Have you ever noticed what happens when you smile at your children for no reason?

I usually get one of these responses:

“What?” As in, “What are you smiling at?” Followed by a bashful grin.


“I love you Mom.”

These kids, they are really easy to please. They just want to know they are loved and feel that they are special to us.

Our children are always searching for our approval. Whether they know it or not. They seek it in our eyes and in our smile.

A smile is a powerful tool. A pleasant expression can go a long way in helping us become better mothers.

Yes, there are times when the Mom look is called for. But let's have the kids catch us smiling at them this week.

When they say, “What?” Respond with something to sweeten their day. Speak to their souls.

“I was just thinking how glad I am that God gave you to me.”

“What would I do without a little girl just like you?”

“The way you are playing with your brother is so kind.”

What say you? Do you find you face falling into a frown? Want to take the smiling challenge with me?

This is part two in our Becoming a Better Mother series. You can find part one here.

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  1. Oh, I think this post was for me today. Thank you! 🙂
    Recently my just-turned-four-year-old will ask me, “Mommy, why is your face like that?” I’m not grumpy or anything but I’d just be thinking about something else and have, like you, have a furrowed brow.
    I’m trying to think more about my expression lately 🙂 My littles love to see smiles and who can blame them? I like to see smiles too!

    Thanks for visiting my ‘spice cupboard’ today 🙂

    1. I’m with you…I like to see smiles too. I get a little uncomfortable when someone around me is grumpy all the time. I don’t want to be that way for my children!

      I love your spice cupboard. I’m getting some new jars and giving mine an overhaul. Can’t wait 🙂

  2. What a great post! Definitely something I needed to read today (and heck, every day for that matter). I’m going to start fresh tomorrow with a big grin!

  3. A song I like to sing to myself that reminds me of what you have written is this:
    Just take that frown off your face and put a smile in its place! Let your personality unfurl! Open up and start to sing, you’re a child of the King! Now go out, and face the world!

  4. Great idea! I once read a blog article asking the reader to imagine how it would feel if every time you walked into the room, the face of your favorite person lit up because of your presence. To our kids, that favorite person is US! What a treat to give our kiddos. 🙂