Gluten-Free Costco Meal Plan – The Easiest Freezer Cooking I’ve Ever Done
Image from $5 Dinners.
I've tried multiple methods of freezer cooking, and each has it's benefit. However, I recently purchased The Gluten Free Costco Meal Plan (it's cheap!) from $5 Dinners and found it to be the easiest method yet.
This meal plan provides a grocery list and instructions for making 21 Gluten-Free meals from ingredients available at Cost-co.
A lot of the meals have a Mexican flavor, which my family enjoys. However, if you have any allergies to corn, this may not be for you since it's included in many recipes. You can always swap it for something else. But, I wanted to give that info, just incase.
The thing I like most about this meal plan is that there's not too much work on the front end. I spent a little time here and there, over the course of a few days, measuring and putting ingredients in freezer bags. A few items needed to be cooked, but it wasn't a major marathon like some other freezer cooking methods I have tried.
This menu is not intended as a freezer cooking plan, but that's how I used it. It has instructions for making and freezing meals, but often advises you to prepare one and make extra for the freezer.
You'll find all that info in the instructions.
And it was truly the easiest freezer cooking I've ever done. Yay for that!
Find out more information here (including a list of all the recipes included).
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