How to Roast Tomatoes
Have you ever roasted tomatoes? They are SO good!
Roasting brings out the sweetness of tomatoes, making them incredibly delicious (even though they don't look very pretty).
Roasting tomatoes is very easy, and once they are roasted, the tomatoes can be used for a variety of dishes:
- add to soups
- add to pasta sauce (or blend and use as a pasta sauce)
- add to chili
- spread on crusty bread
- chop and sprinkle over a salad
- blend and use as a pizza sauce
- serve as a side dish (as is)
Their flavor is very strong and will really add a powerful punch to any dish.
Roasting is a great way to preserve tomatoes. After they have cooled, put the roasted tomatoes in ziplock bags or containers and store in the freezer. Roasted tomatoes can be refrigerated for about 5 days and stored in the freezer for around 6 months.
Here's what to do:
How to Roast Tomatoes
1 pound tomatoes
1/8 cup oil (olive or sunflower)
Garlic cloves (to your liking, I use about 4 or 5 cloves, while others like to use one clove)
Salt and pepper, to taste
Optional: herbs, such as rosemary, oregano, basil, or thyme
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
Wash tomatoes and slice in half, horizontally. If tomatoes are small, they can be roasted whole.
Toss tomatoes with oil, salt and pepper, and herbs (if using). For the herbs, use about a teaspoon of dried herbs.
(To save having an extra bowl to wash, I usually toss the tomatoes and oil right in the pan or dish I will be roasting them in.)
Place tomatoes, cut-side down, in the baking dish and place a few peeled garlic cloves here and there. If you are not a huge fan of garlic, these can be left out, or add a subtler flavor by slicing one clove and tossing with the tomatoes and oil in the previous step.
Bake in oven for about 2 hours. The tomatoes will be soft and slightly shriveled.
If you are able to resist eating them all straight from the pan, freeze in small batches for future use.
Do you like roasted tomatoes? What's your favorite way to use them?
This is a great way to preserve those last few tomaotes. Just made a Roasted Tomato Soup last night, turned out super delish. Hubby who will not eat canned soups gave it a thumbs up. I will do this again any time now that I know how good these are.
Thank you for the timely harvest-oriented post! I am not a canner, so the idea of being able to freeze the roasted tomatoes appeals. Trying this right away. Also wanted to thank you for the calendula salve recipe. Turned out great. I used the long method of steeping my homegrown petals in oil until golden. Smells and feels so amazing I’m dabbing it on somewhat addictively (lol) but it is so perfect for change-of-season dry, itchy skin. Grateful for your blog, keep up the good work!