Insane Goals for October
Here's my insane list of goals for the month of October (I'd love to hear what you are up to):
Family Fun
Go apple picking
Go to the pumpkin patch
Have a family devo/fun night once a week
Make books with the kids
Complete one art lesson per week
Decorate the house for fall
Go for a walk on the beach.
My personal to-do list
Wash curtains in laundry area.
Write eBook – I want to create a simple DIY book for you all
Get contributor posts written early.
Plan and cook freezer meals for while I'm at Relevant.
Plan and organize craft projects and schoolwork for while I'm at Relevant.
Exercise for one hour per day, 6 days each week.
Lose six pounds. (I'm usually at the very bottom of the healthy weight range but am currently a few pounds above it and feel yuck.)
Buy a new pair of shoes (my every day shoes are 10 years old!)
De-clutter bedroom
Tidy backyard
Finish watering system in backyard
Make before and after meal chore chart for kids
Make how to clean the bathroom chart for kids
Update emergency binder
Finish reading the Bible
I think I'd better stop there! How much of this do you think will actually get done?
What is on your to-do list for October?
I'm linking up with Simply Rebekah. Go and add you list too!
This cracked me up! I currently have five sticky notes stuck together to hold everything on my to-do list! It’s actually a list of things to get done in the next six weeks, rather than this month (six weeks until baby number two’s due date!!). Can you believe that “go apple picking” is on there?!? Once we do that, I’ll have a bunch more to add, like “make apple sauce”, “dry apples”, etc.
Thanks for sharing! Somehow, I don’t feel quite as overwhelmed when I know that other people’s lists are as insane as mine! 😉
Those lists before baby comes are always wild! Mine involved things that seemed so very important, like rearranging the game closet!
Thanks for your comment. I’m glad to know others make crazy lists like me 🙂
Hope all goes smoothly for you in the next 6 weeks!
Oh, so wishing I could meet you at Relevant! I just had to sell my ticket (pregnancy issues). Hope you have a blast and are greatly blessed!
Writing an ebook has been on my un-written list for awhile, but at this point, I think getting a daily shower wins!
Great list!
I was looking forward to meeting you too. I hope everything goes well for you during the rest of your pregnancy.
Showers trump eBook writing! I’m actually beginning to wonder if the eBook will ever get written. I want to do it…but there is so much to get in the way!
Blessings to you.