My Word for 2013: Discipline
Do you have a word for 2013? A word that encompasses the things you are working on, the person you want to be, or the life you want to live.
I keep coming back to the same word:
It's what I need most.
Discipline is the tool that helps goals and dreams become a reality.
I'm also holding tight to discipline's close friend, consistency.
I a very distractible person. I flit from one thing to the other. I have lot of ideas, but struggle to implement them.
I also tend to fly by the seat of my pants.
While that can be fun at times, it is not the way to carve out the life you desire to have.
This year, more than ever, I want my life to reflect my priorities. It is easy to say this or that is a priority, but much harder to make the right choices and do the work.
Can people see what your priorities are just from how you live day to day?
I'm not sure if that's true for me.
I've got some serious work to do!
But think of the possibilities . . .
With a little discipline, great things can happen.
To help me on my way, I'm reading through Crystal Paine's ebook, 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life (which is only 99 cents until Saturday).
In the book Crystal walks through the steps for completing any project and encourages you to implement what you are learning by tackling a mega project. My first mega project: organizing my home.
I've already done some serious work on this since Christmas (and can't wait to share that with you) but there's a lot more to do. I've got papers to file and systems to get in place. I hope to document some of the process here to help keep me accountable and to encourage you, too.
Disciple is like a muscle, it needs to be worked in order to be strengthened. Each action we take to be more disciplined, helps us improve. And on the flip side, a lack of discipline only weakens us further.
Discipline is doing what you know needs to be done, even when you don't want to do it.
Discipline is looking forward and taking the steps to reach a destination, even though the journey is uncomfortable.
Discipline gets you where you want to go.
If you need help becoming a more disciplined person, I highly recommend getting a copy of 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life. (It's available on Kindle and also as a PDF)
What's your word for this year?
Discipline is one of my words, too. I struggled with my first word for the year until I found Release. I’m also focusing on Compassion and Dedication. I printed the words on an index card and taped them to my printer so I could see them every day.
Such a great idea to tape the words to your printer. I’m planning to put mine up near my work space. And maybe another location, too. I’m so forgetful, I need all the reminders I can get!
Your three words are very deep and rich. I hope you have a wonderful 2013.
quiet. That’s my word! Love this post – I didn’t finish her ebook, not sure why either. Might have to pull it back up again.
I like the word Quiet. I’ll be following along on your blog. I’m interested to hear what that looks like for you. Quiet is one of those things I crave but find difficult to grasp.
Good luck with your goals! I have chosen the word “simplicity” for this year, and I found your site here as part of my initial research into the subject. I am hoping to finish projects, use the things I already have, make products and processes in my home more natural, and do all things with love. Happy New Year!
I just loved reading your comment, Andria. All that you have planned for this year sounds so lovely. I’m glad you found your way here. I hope you find the simplicity you seek this year! Happy 2013!
I do not have a word for 2013 but like you said in your post I have a lot of ideas and yet find it hard to implement them. I am having trouble starting these ideas. I do have the book you mentioned as I won it on a blog giveaway-now to open it and start reading, another thing on my to-do list. 🙂
Great word choice! My word for 2013 is balance.
I like balance, Rachel. That’s a great word! I need some of that, too. Perhaps my discipline will help with my balance 🙂