Of Knowing and Being Known…
I saw some friends yesterday. Friends I grew up with in Australia.
What a blessing it is to have people in my life who know me and love me anyway!
I am thankful.
Seeing these friends got me thinking about how important people are to each of our lives. . .
Friends are one of life's greatest treasures. It sounds cliche, but it's still true.
There is such great power in being known and being loved . . . it's lifts us.
There is also life-changing power in knowing and loving others.
This life, it's in the relationships. The joys. The struggles. The tears and laughter. The knowing.
“A real friend is one who helps us to think our best thoughts, do our noblest deeds, and be our finest selves.”
-Elizabeth George, Life Management for Busy Women
I want to be a friend like that.
This post is linked to Bigger Picture Moments and Thankful Thursday. Go check them out and be inspired.
Images from Morguefile.com
this was beautiful!! I totally agree on the being known and being loved part…and I’ll add one more, “being understood.” It’s amazing when our friends “get us,” isn’t it?
It’s so fun to reconnect with old friends! They are often the ones who know you the best.
It is so nice to reconnect with old friends. I like the familiarity of friends I’ve known for a good portion of my life! Thanks for your comment Ginny!
There is NOTHING like an old friend. Don’ t you love how it can be *years* in between conversation, but it always picks up like nothing’s changed? The best 🙂
Yes, I do! I love how quickly conversation and comfort comes with old friends. It is beautiful 🙂
Oh, me too. I want to take time for relationships and not get sucked into the craziness of busy. Even Jesus had good friends, and His entire ministry was a lesson in how important our friends are. 🙂
There truly is nothing like a friend. I miss having them all so close by. I fear dorm life is wasted on youth, I want all my friends just down the hall now! When I have a question about my baby or outfit or just need some coffee and conversation!