My Morning Nest
The Hello Mornings girls are sharing pictures today. Here's mine:
These three things are usually with me in the early morning: a baby, a Bible, and a reading light.
I like to sit in my comfy glider, but that doesn't always happen. In fact, the day I took this picture, I ended up kneeling on the bedroom floor to read my Bible while Little Miss played. The way our house is set up, there are very few places I can go that won't wake anyone. So we move around.
There is something about having to make such an effort that brings me great satisfaction. Reading by a small light, kneeling on the cold floor… it makes me feel SERIOUS!
I think of Christians in times past who had to read in secret. Who treasured each word of the book. When Bibles were rare and couldn't be purchased at the local Wal-mart! I want to be serious like they were.
To LOVE the word and value it.
Each day I get up and read, I feel stronger. Just a little.
And that makes me happy.
Visit Inspired to Action to find out more about Hello Mornings and join in the fun.
I have a guest post there today too! How to Say Hello Mornings with a Night Owl Husband
Love this perspective!
Cute baby feet!
Such an adorable pic! I love the baby feet!
So sweet! And I think I understand that feeling of being ‘serious’ when you’re down on the floor reading by flashlight almost!! 😉 I know the Lord honors your commitment. Bless you this week!
I read the post at Inspired to Action and loved it! And it must be nice waking up to such adorable baby feet! 🙂
Thanks for your post today.
Hi, Stacy!
Love how you got it stripped down to the bare essentials (baby, Bible, & light)!
And yes, I know what you mean by those who have gone before us, in seeking the Lord in the morning.
This is inspiring! If you’re interested in those honorable “serious” Christians without easy access to the Bible, I can’t recommend this book enough: “The Heavenly Man” by Brother Yun. It’s the story of a Chinese pastor in the underground church and it is unbelievably powerful. Reminds me how blessed we are–beyond measure–to pick up a Bible and read on our floor in the morning light 😉 Thanks for your post!