You Don’t Have To Be Blooming To Be Growing
“You don't have to be blooming to be growing.”
The words leaped at me as a new awakening.
A refreshment to my soul after years of suffering.
If you've read here for any length of time, you likely know that I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis a number of years ago.
Even though I feel much better than I once did, I still struggle in many ways. I grieve for the years I lost to the invisible illness that plagued me.
And the guilt that encircles me has often been stifling.
But this thought of growing without blooming seemed to bring me new life.
I've long accepted that there are seasons in life where we will be more productive and fruitful than other times, but I accepted it with a little discontent.
I want to be blooming. Perpetually.
I mean, that's where the good stuff is, right? That's where it's pretty, and joyful, and lovely . . .
That's where the results are. And we all want results.
But no seeds planted bloom immediately.
And many only bloom for a season.
The same goes for us.
And our growth should not be frowned upon or seen as “less than” — it's necessary for the blooms to appear.
Friends, for many of us the growing season is long and hard. But we need to hang on and not give up.
I look back to the years of feeling ill, of not knowing what was wrong with me, of being sure that I was dying, and instead of seeing a waste and a loss, I'm learning to see the growth and the fortitude those years brought.
This is not something I can see or do on my own. I need help.
Good friends, a loving church family, my Bible, and encouraging books help me stay the course.
I have lately been lifted by a beautifully thoughtful book that brought to my new anthem: You don't have to be blooming to be growing.
I wanted to share it with you because I hope you too might read it and be encouraged by it. It's called GraceLaced.
I'm using as a daily devotional, but it could be read however you like. Even if you're too tired to read, flipping through the pages of gorgeous illustrations is relaxing and soul-filling all on it's own.
GraceLaced is about more than pretty florals and fanciful brushwork—it's about flourishing. With carefully crafted intention, this beautiful volume of 32 seasonal devotions from artist and author Ruth Chou Simons encourages readers in any circumstance to become deeply rooted in God's faithful promises. GraceLaced extends a soul-stirring invitation to draw close to God while…
- resting in who He is
- rehearsing the truth He says about you
- responding in faith to those truths
- remembering His provision to sustain you, time and time again
More than 800 individual pieces of art came together in the crafting of this book, including dozens of new, hand-painted Scripture vignettes that Ruth is known for.
I have long-admired Ruth's work via her website and Instagram page. And not just her art, but her commitment to living a good life, following God, and raising her children well. I would sure love to share a cup of tea with her. She has six sons and a lot of wisdom to share.
If you've not heard of Ruth Chou Simons, she is an artist, writer, entrepreneur, and speaker (in addition to being a wife and mom). When I found out she was writing a book, I could not wait to get my hands on it!
And GraceLaced did not disappoint.
It reminded me that who we are and who God is, never changes, even though everything else rarely stays the same.
This book is a wonderful companion to point us to truth as we journey through the changing seasons of life (and our hearts).
Pre-Order GraceLaced and Get Free Gifts!
I wanted to let you know that GraceLaced is being released on September 1st. If you pre-order, you are able to get some lovely gifts as a bonus (pre-orders really help authors!).
Here is a quick peek at the gifts you will receive when pre-ordering. Click here for more info.
Much love, friends!