Staying Motivated to Exercise (at Keeper of the Home)
Now is about that time that many of our New Year's resolutions become hard to keep. Real life is settling in.
Many of us want to improve our health, but find it hard to make it a priority.
Exercise is one of the key ingredients to feeling good mentally and physically. It's also one of the easiest things to knock off the to-do list.
How can we stay motivated to exercise when there is so much to do in a day?
I honestly believe that a consistent workout routine for Mom can add peace and joy to the home. I've found it to be true in my life.
If your interested in staying motivated to exercise, your might enjoy my post at Keeper of the Home.
I'd love to hear how you make a exercise a priority.
Top Image by Lululemon Athletica
I TOTALLY needed to read this, I read the rest at Keeper of the Home. Thank you for the tips and encouragement.