The Key to Peace and Joy at Home: Embrace the Season

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The Key to Peace and Joy at Home: Embrace the Season |

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.  Ecclesiastes 3:1

In life we cycle through many different seasons. The falling leaves remind us that things change. Spring flowers bring the joy of life anew. Winter: the cold, frost and darkness. Summer: the warm breezes of laughter and freedom.

Besides physical seasons, we all cycle through life seasons. For moms, these seasons revolve around the stage of life our children are in.

In my quest for creating peace and joy at home, I've come to realize that I must not simply endure each new season, but embrace it.

I must hold each season of life dear, love each aspect of it, strive to do my best in it, throw myself into it wholeheartedly without longing for the next season (while acknowledging that there is another season right around the corner).

Fall is a physical season many enjoy .  . .  how long and dreary it would feel if  I only wished for spring flowers the entire three months. I'd miss the beauty of this beautiful season.

Focusing on the season of life I find myself at this very moment, gives me strength and peace. Embracing the season my children are in gives them support and love.

It's a tricky thing this life of mothering. This ever changing “job.”

I'm learning how to jump into the season with both feet while preparing my children for the ones ahead. It's not easy. I still feel so young myself!

Most for time I have no idea what I'm doing.

As little as I know, I think I've figured out that the key to peace and joy within  my family is embracing the season.

Read what the other High Five Moms have to share about seasons by following the links below:

A Happy Home

Happy Andersons

The Marathon Mom

Ponder the Path

Did you have any tips for embracing each life season?

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This post is linked to Thought Provoking Thursday

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  1. “In my quest for creating peace and joy at home, I’ve come to realize that I must not simply endure each new season, but embrace it.”

    Oh, how I needed to hear this today. I’m entering the baby on the move and climbing on everything and getting into everything and…. phase. 😉 It’s different from newborn phase, and it’s certainly different from the talking to me all the time phase, but it’s a phase with it’s difficulties nonetheless. Today has been a particularly hard day. However, thankful for words like these to impart much needed grace and wisdom.

    Thanks for being faithful to post!

    1. Thanks for your kind words Leigh Ann.

      You are in one of the most difficult phases. Having little ones is physical demanding as well as mentally and emotionally. Look for the joys while acknowledging the difficulties. One day we will laugh at these times. I’m sure of it 😉 (My youngest is almost 2 and she is into everything!)

      And don’t discount a well deserved break. You need that too.

  2. “Embracing the season my children are in gives them support and love.” and it helps me to accept that God is in control and knows best! Great post, thanks for the good thoughts.

  3. Stacy,

    Really loved this post and it reminds me of a great book Brandon had recommend that I read, “Spiritual Rhythm” Being with Jesus every season of your soul.
    This helped me so much with the different seasons I seem to go through in my life. Great book, not sure if you have heard of it, but well worth reading. I would love to do a lesson on this subject. It all makes sense. You are such a wise Mother and God will reward you with strong Christian children who will continue this legacy you have given them.