Blogging Party Welcome – it’s nice to meet you!
There was so much buzz about the Ultimate Blog Party at 5 Minutes for Mom that I had to see what it was about. It looks like an awesome way to meet a lot of other bloggers, so I am joining in!
If you are visiting for the first time, I'm really glad you are here! I mean it 🙂
This is me and my bald-headed baby:
I'm Stacy. Wife to a preacher and homeschooling mom of 3.You can find out more about me on my about page. Basically I'm crazy about making things from scratch (especially herbal remedies and homemade body products), love healthy, natural living, and am slightly obsessed with finding good things to cook.
This blog is intended to encourage moms to delight in their days. To find and create peace and joy at home, with God at the center.
The writings of a perfect mother is not what you will find here. I try to be good, but I fail daily. I do hope you will walk along side me as we strive to become better mothers.
You can also find me:
On twitter: @DelightingDays
On facebook
At my fitness website (with my sister): Real Fit Moms
Thanks so much for visiting my little home on the web.
If you want to stay up to date on the happenings around here, you might like to subscribe in a reader or via email (but you don't have to, of course!).
nice to see you are the “party” !!
Nice to meet you! I am always needing instruction on how to live more naturally. And I really love meeting other sisters in Christ online. Your blog is such a refreshment among the crud that is out there – thank you for sharing your story!
Thanks Annie. I appreciate your kind words.
I’m another home school mom who loves to cook – especially chocolate! 🙂
MMM, chocolate. A favorite around here.
Hi Stacy! How are you!?
I just wanted to let you know this weeks Homemakers Challenge might be something that interests you:
I know many moms have admitted struggling with this, so I want to rally as many together as possible so we can encourage one another into this difficult task. I hope to see you there, friend! 🙂
Stopping from the UBP ’11! I admire that you make so many things from scratch!
Great blog. Look forward to seeing more. I hopped on over from the blog party. 🙂
I am very much into real whole food too. We raise and grow much of ours.
I don’t know if I’ve ever said hello, but I’ve been a subscriber for awhile and just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your posts! 🙂
Stopping by from UPB11. Great to meet you!
There are so many fun blogs to visit! If you have time, I hope you’ll stop by:
You can enter to win a $25 Gift cert to my eBay store to spruce up your spring/summer wardrobe (details on post)
Have a great weekend!
Hi! I am stopping by from the UBP11! I am a first-timer too. I am also a homeschooling mama! I am a new blogger and cannot figure out how to just follow your blog so that it comes up in my “dash board” list. I will figure it out and keep stopping by in the mean time. I think I’d have a lot in common with you and enjoy learning about you and your sweet family. Many blessings to you!
Ohhh Herbal Remedies! LOVE IT! I have 2 kiddos, I’m a homeschooling mom, a pastors wife that wears a bikini to work because I’m a pro beach volleyball player that hates to workout LOL.. I also write a fitness blog, but I LOVE fried fatty foods. You can read more about us in my party post
Come by to visit!
Hello again! 🙂 Your little boy is so sweet!
Delighting in my days…oh, do I ever need that reminder today! My three and a half year old has been driving me CRAZY lately, and it’s good to remember that my days are full of blessings!
(Stopping by from UBP, by the way! Have a great weekend!)
I’ve been following your blog for awhile now, not sure how exactly I found it. But I thought I’d leave a comment and say nice to meet you, too. I am married to a Worship Pastor and love the idea of Delighting in the Days although I don’t blog regularly. Thanks for all the inspiration, keep it coming. 🙂
I fail daily too 😀
BUSY lady. Two blogs, homeschooling, three kids and natural living. WHEW.
I homeschool too. and we love natural living.
Hope to see you around the party!
New subscriber, dropping in from UBP! I homeschool too and we’re getting back into natural living after a few months of getting away from it.
And BOY do I fail daily. Praise God for a forgiving God … and a patient, loving family 😉
Nice to ‘meet’ you!
Stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party 2011!
Hope you’ll visit my party:
I am stopping by for a quick visit from the UBP, but I cannot wait to come back when I have more time to visit for longer!
BEAUTIFUL flowers!!
Hey! I am visiting from the Ultimate Blog Party! Please head over to either or both of my blogs (and become a follower if you aren’t one already):
So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at
Jessicas Lil Corner is where I blog about family and life at
Have a very blessed week! :0)
Hi Stacy,
Lovely to meet you and your blog through UPB. This is my first year and I am finding many wonderful blogs, like yours.
Gg – Notes on the Journey # 269
ps. I am a ministry wife, too.
Stopping by to say Hi! Hope you are having fun at this year’s UBP 2011! I know I am!
Hiya I’m stopping by from the UBP’11. Now following you and would love it if you stop by A Little of This and a Little of That and follow back. I hope you enjoy yourself at the UBP. Have a fab week.
Hello!! I am stopping by from UBP and am so glad I found you. Over the past couple years I have also become very interested in making my own food from scratch, growing what I can, handmade – homemade – natural everything. We are working our way there and it has been a great journey so far. I cannot wait to follow you! God Bless – A Humble Planter at Planting Shade
I am so encouraged by your website. I am a Mom of 2 special needs sons. We try and eat all organic, and our meals need to be gluten, dairy and soy free because my younger son is autistic. the diet has truly helped him come out of his coma and be able to function.
I loved the kitchen organization, I need the encouragement in the area. The other things that interested me is the fitness, herbal remedies and that you love the Lord and homeschool your kids. I do too!
My blog is also to find the “delight” in each day. Mine was birthed out of a very low point. Phil 4:8 is what encouraged me to think on what is lovely etc… rather than on all the negative. It has helped me to see the Lord at work. I hope you will check out my blog. I am new to this (only a month)
You have an awesome blog! I’ve managed to find a handful of Christian women who are trying to influence other sisters in a good way! Your’s is one of them!!
I also love your water kefir post, and I’m eager for my grains to get here to try and make my own!!
Many Blessings,
Hi! I’m stopping by from the UBP. Nice to meet you!
I have two blogs, and I’d love for you to stop by when you get a minute. Thanks! (A free giveaway every weekday) (Family blog)
Hey! just stoppin by for the blog party. LOVE your blog and are proud to say we are your newest followers and {blog} friends. We’d love for you to come check out our new blog and be our newest follower and {blog} friend as well..much love (family blog)
Just stopped by from the UBP although I’ve been here many times! I hope you’re having fun this week and I love the picture you’ve posted. Too cute! 🙂
I am visiting from the Blog party. Glad to have met you and I look forward to your posts.
Thats awesome you make everything from scratch! Your bald headed baby is oh so cute. I look forward to reading more from you. Please stop by for a visit if you get a chance!
I love the name of your blog! If there is something I want to do more of in a day it is delighting in the little moments I’m given with my little ones 🙂
Swinging in to say hello from the UBP. It’s been a whirlwind, it’s amazing to see how many blogs there are out there and how many people you have something in common with 🙂 Feel free to swing by my UBP for an Amazon giveaway (worldwide) or if dresses are your thing, the Shabby Apple Giveaway (RV $92) (US only) is pretty awesome!
Hi! I’m visiting from the UBP – I’m #73 (Being Made New – on the Christian list. Very nice to get to know a little about you – I homeschool, too – and I hope you might have time to visit my place. :^)
Stopping by from UBP! I love making homemade and natural cleaners for around the home! The more I learn about the chemicals in our everyday life, the more I try to eliminate them from our lives!