DIY Sage Facial Steam for Acne-Prone Skin
Facial steams help open pores and release toxins from the skin.
Once the pores are open after a facial steam, it is a prime time to apply a facial mask (such as this DIY clay mask). Applying a facial mask to open pores will allow the cleansing process to continue.
A sage facial steam is very simple to make: simply toss a handful of sage leaves into a heat-proof bowl and pour two cups of hot water over the top.
Follow these instructions to administer the steam safely and effectively:
• Remove make up or dirt by using a gentle cleanser
• Place sage in a heatproof bowl and set on a sturdy surface (like a table)
• Pour two cups of hot water into the heatproof bowl (use pure water, if possible, to avoid breathing in any chemicals from a treated water supply)
• Place a towel over your head to create a tent over the bowl and lower face over the bowl (the towel helps the steam stay close to the face and not evaporate into the air so quickly). It’s usually best to sit in a chair that is pulled up close to a table.
• Stay here for about 15 to 20 minutes
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