Dry Brushing the Skin: How and Why to Do It
If you have dry skin, dry brushing is something you may wish to consider.
Actually, even if you don’t have dry skin, it has many benefits!
Dry brushing works much like a body scrub in that it is a form of exfoliation and helps remove dead skin cells. Shedding dead skin cells leaves skin looking and feeling smoother and brighter, plus it encourages the growth of new skin cells, which leads to healthy, beautiful skin.
Removing the dead skin cells will actually help your skin absorb moisturizer too! So if you’ve had an issue with applying moisturizer but never seeming to get softer, more hydrated skin, dry brushing could help.
Besides removing dead skin cells, dry brushing also stimulates circulation and supports the lymphatic system (this is because many of our lymph vessels are just below the skin surface; dry brushing is thought to stimulate the flow of lymph through the vessels, aiding the body in detoxification).
Many dry brushing enthusiasts suggest regular dry brushing aids in the reduction of cellulite. Even though there is little scientific evidence to support this, it is possible that dry brushing aids in the removal of toxins from the body, which could, in turn, reduce cellulite (some claim toxin accumulation contributes to cellulite), or perhaps the extra stimulation to the skin causes cellulite reduction. Either way, it doesn’t hurt to try! (You are beautiful, with or without cellulite!).
What is Dry Brushing?
Dry brushing is the process of brushing the skin with a firm dry brush. This is usually done before showing and in a precise pattern.
Because dry brushing is so energizing, it’s generally recommended that one do so in the morning rather than the evening hours.
How to Dry Brush
Dry brushing advocates usually recommend brushing toward the heart and chest area to encourage lymph flow. Brushing in this direction is in line with natural lymph flow.
I do not recommend brushing the face or breasts.
Begin brushing gently as you get used to the feeling of dry brushing. It will take some time to get used to. After some practice, you will be able to move to more vigorous or firmer brushing, but never brush until you are red. And be sure to use long sweeping motions in one direction. Don’t scrub back and forth.
Start at the bottom of the feet and brush them in long smooth strokes. Move up the legs, continuing to brush in a long sweeping motion, going over each area multiple times.
Continue to brush up the abdomen, avoiding the breast area. Also brush the back, if desired.
Move to the hands and brush the palms in an upward motion a few times. Move up the arm in sweeping motions.
After dry brushing, shower off and apply a natural lotion or body oil.
How to Choose a Dry Brush
This natural boar 3-piece dry brush set is a great option.
There are many different levels of firmness when it comes to dry brushes. I prefer a reasonably firm brush over a soft one as it seems to last longer and also works extremely well for exfoliation and also energizing the body. But you can still benefit from using a softer brush, however, it may need to be replaced more often.
When selecting a brush, you may also wish to consider the handle length. Some brushes some with no handle, which is what I have.. And are very good for brushing the arms and legs, however, they can make it a little tricky to reach your back.
Many brushes are available with long handles, which make brushing your back much easier.
Also, be sure the to choose a brush made with natural bristles.