Goals for this week

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 I don't have a great picture for this post, so how about another one from our trip to Tahoe a few weeks ago? It's so beautiful there!

I'm trying to be more goal oriented. It's a challenge for me! Distraction is waiting at every turn!

Here is what I'm working on this week:


1. Stick to elimination diet 

I am doing an elimination diet to confirm suspected food allergies. I'm two weeks in, so am inching closer to the reintroduction phase. I am really hoping I will be able to eat eggs! And nuts! But time will tell.

Yesterday I did a massive cooking session so I can't use the excuse of having nothing to eat.

2. Exercise 4 times

I'm sticking with gentle exercise and weight training for now. I've had to put more intense, cardio type workouts aside for the time being. But I do love a little Barre and weight training makes me feel strong.

3. Go to bed by 10:30 every night

It's amazing how quickly one can get out of a good night time routine! I've been staying up way too late and this needs to be remedied as soon as possible! I can't drink coffee (allergic) to help wake me up in the morning . . . so, I'm feeling it!


4. Plan a date with my husband

It's been a while since we've gone out together!

5. Spend two hours decluttering and cleaning my bedroom

Yes, it needs a bit of work!

6. Study and take one exam for the Family Herbalist Course

I love studying about herbs, but I keep forgetting to take my exams! I don't have much time left to complete this ocurse, so it's being bumped up the priority ladder.


7. Finish formatting expanded sugar scrubs book

The Kindle version is done, but the pdf is still waiting on me!

8. Brainstorm and outline new book idea

There's been a new book on my mind for some time now, and I'm ready to get started on it!

That's it for me this week. 


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