Benefits of Kombucha Soap
Have you ever heard of soap made with kombucha?
I hadn't!
I mean, I love my Kombucha, but never thought about making soap with it!
When I had the opportunity to choose a product from Kombucha Kamp to try, I couldn't miss the chance to check out the Kombucha Bar soap they carry.
You probably don't know this about me, but all-natural handmade soaps are one of my “splurges”. I love to buy them as little treats for myself and my family.
The prettier they are the better.
And they have to smell good, but not have a fake scent.
My standards are high when it comes to soap.
It's important to me that soap is free of any harmful additives or preservatives, and that it contains skin-nourishing ingredients.
I don't know about you, but I want to get clean, yet I don't want my skin feeling super dry and tight afterward.
Kombucha Kamp offers the Kombucha Bar soap in a number of different scents.
I tried “Spruced Up” which includes Black Spruce, Douglas Fir, Scotch Pine, Cinnamon Leaf with French Green Clay to soothe the skin.
I am super impressed.
The other scents available include floral scents (such as lavender and rose), outdoorsy scents (like the “Spruced Up” and Eucalyptus), and Spicy scents (which include options that contain ginger, coriander seed, and rosewood).
They also have an unscented bar which smells faintly like Darjeeling and Green Jasmine Teas.
See all the scents available here.
I love the ingredients in Kombucha Bar Soap!
There are no harsh or harmful ingredients to speak of, but lots of skin-nourishing goodness.
Ingredients include: a special blend of cold/expeller pressed and unrefined plant oils of Olive, Coconut, Ethically Harvested Palm Kernel, Rice Bran & Castor with Butters of Shea and Cocoa, Also includes a heavy dose of Organic Kombucha Tea made with Organic Darjeeling & Green Jasmine teas, Organic raw cane sugar and distilled water.
What are the benefits of Kombucha Soap?
When I shared about this on Instagram, one reader asked, “What’s the benefit of kombucha in soap?”
I honestly was not sure, so I reached out to Kombucha Kamp and they had this to say:
The benefit to using Kombucha Soap with live active culture is that it rinses very clean (no soap scum) and leaves skin very soft. If you apply Kombucha topically to the skin, it has similar skin softening properties – the low pH gently loosens the bonds with the dead skin so its a mild exfoliator. Plus it doesn't have any funky chemicals nor does it leave the skin feeling dry. We even have some friends who use it as shampoo especially on dry hair.”
Click here to learn more about the benefits of using Kombucha cultures and Kombucha tea topically.
After using this soap for a few weeks I can vouch for the fact that it does rinse clean and leaves skin feeling soft and smooth.
The scent is enjoyable and refreshing, but not overwhelming. It's perfect!
I'll be buying this soap in a number of different scents in the future. I'm really intrigued by the Gingerous scent which includes Ginger, Coriander Seed, ethically harvested Rosewood, Sweet Orange, Grapefruit, Lavender, May Chang, and Patchouli with ribbons of Calendula Flowers. Doesn't that sound good?
If you like natural soap that rinses clean and is soothing to the skin, I highly recommend you check out Kombucha Bar Soap.