How to Make Lavender Vinegar
Lavender is has been a favorite herb of mine for many years. If you've been reading this blog for long, you'll know it has always been part of the logo and design.
I love lavender because it smells wonderful, is beautiful to look at, and has amazing calming qualities.
There are many ways to use lavender. Around here we've used lavender it in a body scrub, bath soak, hair mask, as a relaxing eye pillow, and even added to cookies.
I love lavender so much I wrote a book about it: DIY Lavender Creations
One simple method of using lavender that I haven't discussed here before is lavender vinegar.
Lavender vinegar is so easy to make and can be used in many different ways.
Uses for Lavender Vinegar include:
- as an all-purpose cleaner
- hair rinse
- sink deodorizer
- fabric softener
- as bath soak ( add 1/2 cup to your bath)
- to clean mirrors
How to Make Lavender Vinegar
You will need:
- 1 part lavender buds to 4 parts vinegar (examples: 1/4 cup lavender buds to 1 cup white vinegar, or 1 cup lavender to 4 cups vinegar).
- glass jar
Place the lavender buds in a clean jar and pour vinegar over the top.
Cover jar with a plastic lid. If you only have a metal lid, place a layer of plastic wrap between the lid and the vinegar (this will prevent the lid from rusting).
Let sit for 2-3 weeks.
Strain the lavender flowers from the vinegar. Save the infused vinegar in a clean jar.
Add to spray bottles for use as cleaner or hair rinse.
This method also works for creating lavender-infused oil.
Dried lavender can be purchased from Mountain Rose Herbs.
Do you love lavender too?
You might enjoy my DIY Lavender Creations ebook. It's only $5.99!
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